Northern California Enamel Guild

Submit Images

Member Gallery

Gallery View



"This gallery is provided as a resource for members to show their work online. Additionally, NCEG provides insight into guild activities showing images from exhibitions and conferences."

Images are shown in this gallery in several format. Please select a format to see images:

Submit Images

To submit images

To submit an image for the website, email the images with the Use Permission form and identifying information requested below, either electronically or mail a CD/DVD to the webmaster.


A native file from your electronic camera or scanner in jpeg format is requested. 72bpi is required for the website but please submit in the native file format regardless of the size and the pictures will be resized as needed.

Identifying Information

For each submittal, include the artist name and website reference to be included with the images.
And for each image please include the following: Agreement of use
The pictures are the sole property of the artist and use of images requires the artist's permission. Please contact the artist directly for that permission.

Agreement of use statement between the artist and the guild should accompany with submission of images.
If you have questions or assistance then please contact the webmaster.

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Contact: Webmaster
©2006 NCEG All rights reserved
Last Update 06/18/10